Giving Grace - Video Production

Giving Grace

Transforming lives by providing resources, relationships, and community with the love of Jesus.

November 2023
Giving Grace is an organization that serves people that are either homeless or on the verge of homelessness in the Denton, Texas area. When they came to us needing a video for their end-of-year gathering, we jumped at the chance to help them and their mission.

As we discussed their needs in our first meeting, we realized that we could use the content and video shoot for their primary video to help them maximize their impact with a social media campaign as well as a few short documentaries that explain their various programs. Through the use a strategic planning and shoot schedules we were able to satisfy all their video projects without breaking the bank!

Night of Hope - 2023

This was the primary video Giving Grace needed produced. Their calling is so important, so we poured a lot of effort and time into this film to find the tone to explain the need and explore the hope of Giving Grace's mission. The secondary use of this video would be as the front video on their site, so it had to be under ten minutes, but hook the audience from the start.

Street Outreach - Short Documentary

Giving Grace has a very unique street outreach program in that they utilize a cargo van to meet regularly with the homeless population of Denton, Texas. This helps them form a bond and develop trust that they can leverage to help a homeless individual get off the streets and into a shelter or temporary housing. From there they invite them into their long-term Rise with Grace program to help them become self-sufficient and thrive.

We wanted to capture the unique way that they interact with people in need and tell their story of hope and impact they are making in their community. We had the opportunity to follow their street outreach team as they went out on their weekly undertaking, filming B-roll as they setup and met with individuals. It was inspiring to see people walk up and ask for help and then immediately receive it. We took that feeling of inspiration and formed our short documentary around it.

Rise with Grace - Short Documentary

Rise with Grace is Giving Grace's long-term program that helps people overcome their roadblocks and become self-sufficient. Every individual is unique and so their program is remarkably flexible in terms of check points, but the goal is always the same; helping people thrive!

We took their passion to help people make positive change and condensed it into this short documentary of the program that explains what it is and how it works.

Your Donation Matters - Donation Webpage Video

As we discussed Giving Grace's video needs we realized there was a great deal of misunderstanding about the difference between grants and donations and how they used both together to serve people. We felt it would be a great idea to film a short explanation of this for use on their donation page to help other people understand as well.

Our Story Matters - Maria

Maria is one of the individuals that had been through Giving Grace's programs and we had the opportunity to film her story. There wasn't a dry eye on the crew as she told us what happened to her and how Giving Grace stepped in and helped her go from homeless with kids to being housed, with a car, and a job that covers all her and her kids' needs. Giving Grace changes lives and this is just one story that matters.

Our Story Matters - Timothy

Timothy is a veteran that served our country, but the PTSD he was left with after his service made it very hard to hold down a job and take care of his kids. When his wife left their newborn with him and skipped town, he was at the end of his rope, but Giving Grace stepped in and showed him that not only does someone care, but there was a whole team that stood with him and his kids. They were able to get him emergency temporary housing as well as baby supplies the first night he was facing homelessness. Then they helped him get a job that would work around his PTSD without triggering new episodes. His whole life turned around in a matter of months thanks to the team at Giving Grace.

Our Story Matters - Stephanie

Stephanie struggled with addiction for years while she lived in the woods on the outskirts of Denton with a group of other addicts. "There were safety in numbers" she explained, but when she started hallucinating from years of drug abuse, she called Scott Butler, the Street Outreach team leader at Giving Grace who had for years been working with her and her group to get them out of the woods and into stable housing. Today she has a stable job, an apartment and living her best life, free from addiction.
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